Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Mashin' it Up on Flickr

Am I crazy, or was the Mash-Up assignment not up on Monday? I was all proud of myself for registering assignment #2, and then I found this. Oh no! Don't let me be the kid who turns in half-done homework! The horror! The horror! I think I only had a small coronary before my co-worker assured me that she hadn't seen the Mash-Up project until Tuesday either.
Here goes:

As you can see, I spelled BLOG with Flickr. Cool, huh? It took me awhile to figure out how to put the letters into this entry (you have to spell backward), and even now they keep moving around on me...especially that rascally "G". Still, I can see how this feature might come in handy. I also like how you can click on the letter to get different styles. Fun!

The Montagr was less awesome, and didn't really look like anything when I was done. It kept turning my searches into landscapes, so the mosaics just looked like really ugly quilts.

I saw lots of pretty pictures using the Color Picker. Somehow I imagine Ty Pennington using this feature to decorate a room on Extreme Makeover Home Edition. He'd probably find a way to turn the results into actual wallpaper: "Look! Everything is lime green! It's the lime green room! Lime green for everyone!"

The Retrievr is one of the freakiest things I've ever seen, but I could waste hours making random sketches and seeing what they bring up. I found the most amazingly gorgeous pink leaf thing I've ever seen, but I can't get the picture to upload into this blog. I tried five times, so I give up. Seriously, it was lovely.

Next I made a trading card out of a picture of my friend's dog. I wanted to put it right here:

but blogger kept sticking it at the top. I couldn't figure out how to fix that, but I bet it's possible.
Finally I took a look at Flickr Sodoku. It was all icky hamsters, and Sodoku wears me out anyway. I think it's because I have no left brain.

Anyway, I think that's it. I wish I could figure out how to make this space properly when it publishes.

1 comment:

KCLS Learning 2.0 said...

Moving photos in Blogger, I fear, can be a bit annoying. What you have to do is drag the image while you are editing your blog posting - click on the image, and keep your mouse button down, and then pull the image down to where you'd like it to appear...